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From: Julie Cummins <juliecummins>
Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 09:14:37 -0400
I'm seeking reactions to a cataloging and publishing situation that has just now been brought to light. The Library of Congress is planning to eliminate the CIP information in children's books. Do you use this information, and if so, how?
A suggestion has been made that the publishers should assign the call numbers and description. Some are willing to do so, while others hesitate wondering if they are the best qualified or whether librarians who use the collections and could recommend placement would be better suited. And then how could that work?
Lori Benton, the President of the Children's Book Council will be bringing this issue to their group, and now is the time to provide feedback, and perhaps apply some pressure, to LC, if people feel that this matters.
Thanks for your thoughts, Julie Cummins
Received on Mon 03 May 2004 08:14:37 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 09:14:37 -0400
I'm seeking reactions to a cataloging and publishing situation that has just now been brought to light. The Library of Congress is planning to eliminate the CIP information in children's books. Do you use this information, and if so, how?
A suggestion has been made that the publishers should assign the call numbers and description. Some are willing to do so, while others hesitate wondering if they are the best qualified or whether librarians who use the collections and could recommend placement would be better suited. And then how could that work?
Lori Benton, the President of the Children's Book Council will be bringing this issue to their group, and now is the time to provide feedback, and perhaps apply some pressure, to LC, if people feel that this matters.
Thanks for your thoughts, Julie Cummins
Received on Mon 03 May 2004 08:14:37 AM CDT