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Historical Fiction

From: Nancegar at <Nancegar>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 21:36:59 EDT

In a message dated 5/5/04 12:42:30 PM, Barbara at writes:

<< I'd love to hear from authors/editors/publishers on whether we have any

specific responsibilities to our young readers when we write a fictionalized

story about a real historical person. >>

As an author who's written a little historical fiction (primarily DOVE & SWORD: A NOVEL OF JOAN OF ARC, but a couple of other books with historical ciontent), I think we do indeed have a responsibility to divulge to our readers -- in, yes, an "author's note" -- what characters and parts of the stories we tell are true and what we've made up, based on the facts we've unearthed.

I think historical fiction has enormous value, assuming it's soundly researched and written. What I was in school, I found history dull, but when as an adult I realized it's really made up of stories, it became exciting to me. I think kids can learn a lot of history from accurate historical fiction -- in fact, I know a former history teacher who values it highly and has enjoyed it all her life. It's important to convey to children what effect the large events of history have on all of us "little" people, and fiction can do that very well by showing the emotional and practical impact historical events have on ordinary folks. Cheryl Klein said it perfectly; I agree that when children identify with fictional (or real) characters who are living through a major historical event, the even can become real to them in a way that it's less likely to in nonfiction. Look at Lois Lowry's NUMBER THE STARS, just for openers, and Jerry Spinelli's MILKWEED! One could go on and on, as indeed many of you have!! I think both approaches are important for teaching history -- the facts, yes, and explorations of research methods -- and the emotional, practical impact on daily life and ordinary (and extraordinary) people that fiction can covey eloquently.

Nancy Garden

__________________________________________ Please visit my website at MOLLY'S FAMILY--available in early April. Number 11 of Budding Writers is up!
Received on Tue 11 May 2004 08:36:59 PM CDT