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historical fiction

From: Kelley E. Wade <telliboo>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 11:17:17 -0700 (PDT)

Two more favorites to add... Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen (with Robert Harris, I believe) and At the Sign of the Sugared Plum by Mary Hooper.

If you're not familiar, the former is the fictionalizaton of Marjorie, daughter of Robert the Bruce, who is caged by King Longshanks. I don't have a lot of hist. fic. lovers here, but every girl I have recommended this book to has come back gushing, probably because the heroine is SO incredibly strong minded. The latter is the story of a girl during the plague in London. What makes it interesting is that she is very naive and doesnt believe the stories about what is going around until she really starts seeing the effects. Hooper has some great details involving how people tried to ward it off (often unsuccessfully), and how these two sisters tried to turn that to their advantage. Just an interesting book about a topic you don't necessarily see that often.

I think any time you deal with HF, you have to take it with a grain of salt, that the author is likely to take some liberties. It is definitely a bonus when they add a note explaining some of the history, the facts, and where they took those liberties!

Kelley Wade Calais Free Library Calais, ME

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Received on Tue 04 May 2004 01:17:17 PM CDT