CCBC-Net Archives

Birchbark House

From: Susan Stan <stan1sm>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 10:04:58 -0400

Since its publication, I have included The Birchbark House on the required reading lists of one of my children's literature courses every semester--by now there are hundreds of elementary school teachers in Michigan who know and love this book and, if they are true to their word, are reading it to their own classes. I myself never tire of re-reading it because it is so artfully constructed. Students love the vivid detail about the family's everyday life and notice the circular theme that is supported in multiple ways--the cycle of seasons, birth and death, and the plot that begins and ends with Omakayas. Without fail, but not understanding why, someone always says it reminds them of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, which opens a great discussion on perspective and worldview. I'm thrilled to know there are more books in the pipeline! Susan Stan
Received on Sat 22 May 2004 09:04:58 AM CDT