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From: Valerie Berkely <stat>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 14:17:21 -0500
This is the first time I've ever posted to all the wonderful ccbc-ers.
I just had to give you this visual: Sitting on the rocky shore of Lake Superior at Little Girl's Point in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan. Gazing out over calm waters as the sun dips down over the Island of the Golden-Breasted Woodpecker far off on the horizon. Our campfire just starting to crackle the birch bark kindling. Sweet smoke keeping the bugs at bay. And before the last daylight fades to stars, we finish reading aloud our favorite book of the summer. We will miss Omakayas, and yet we feel her all around. So we will return to her land to read the new books and complete our own circle.
(This was how I introduced "The Birchbark House" to my little and not-so-little nephews two summers ago. We head back again this summer.
And they still talk about Omakayas. The book is alive for us.) Sincerely, Valerie Berkely
Received on Mon 24 May 2004 02:17:21 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 14:17:21 -0500
This is the first time I've ever posted to all the wonderful ccbc-ers.
I just had to give you this visual: Sitting on the rocky shore of Lake Superior at Little Girl's Point in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan. Gazing out over calm waters as the sun dips down over the Island of the Golden-Breasted Woodpecker far off on the horizon. Our campfire just starting to crackle the birch bark kindling. Sweet smoke keeping the bugs at bay. And before the last daylight fades to stars, we finish reading aloud our favorite book of the summer. We will miss Omakayas, and yet we feel her all around. So we will return to her land to read the new books and complete our own circle.
(This was how I introduced "The Birchbark House" to my little and not-so-little nephews two summers ago. We head back again this summer.
And they still talk about Omakayas. The book is alive for us.) Sincerely, Valerie Berkely
Received on Mon 24 May 2004 02:17:21 PM CDT