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Graphic Novels
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From: Denise Sciandra <deeceebee>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 06:19:04 -0700
In the approximately 2,000 book church library that I oversee, The Adventures of Tintin by Herge fly off of the shelf. I have a group of 8 year-old boys who devour them, can't get enough of them and have read them all, some of them several times.
This discussion of graphic novels has stimulated me to add others to this collection. Thanks to all who have shared their favorites.
Denise Sciandra Norelma Walker Children's Library and Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Literature Fresno, California
Received on Mon 12 Apr 2004 08:19:04 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 06:19:04 -0700
In the approximately 2,000 book church library that I oversee, The Adventures of Tintin by Herge fly off of the shelf. I have a group of 8 year-old boys who devour them, can't get enough of them and have read them all, some of them several times.
This discussion of graphic novels has stimulated me to add others to this collection. Thanks to all who have shared their favorites.
Denise Sciandra Norelma Walker Children's Library and Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Literature Fresno, California
Received on Mon 12 Apr 2004 08:19:04 AM CDT