CCBC-Net Archives

Graphic novels and manga

From: Jason Anderson <toxicned61>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:52:50 -0500

Hello all,
             I think this question has thus far gone unanswered. The correct pronunciation of the word "manga" is [mon-guh], that is to say with a hard g, and an accent on neither syllable.
             It can't be repeated often enough: Read Art Spiegelman'sPulitzer prize-winning "Maus."
             Although Frank Miller is perhaps best well known for his treatment of Batman in the GN "The Dark Knight Returns" he also does an excellent job with "300", a GN that retells the story of the Spartan battle against the Persians at Thermopylae. My middle school age kids love it.
             Aside from electronic lists (Hello Katy and Megan!), I've found that the best source of information concerning comics and graphic novels is your local comic store. Unlike many other retail shops, which are often staffed by people who could care less about what they're selling, most comic book shops are staffed by fanatical devotees to the medium who will cheerfully spend hours trying to convert you into comic/manga/GN readers.
             Here in Madison we are blessed with two great comic book outlets. Bruce, the bespectacled owner of Capital City Comics, is one of the passionate individuals I described above. His passion is surpassed only by that of Bob, who manages Westfield Comics. I don't exaggertae when I tell you that these guys will spend hours helping neophytes find out more about the medium.
     Jason Anderson


    Madison Country Day School

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    (608) 850-6000 Ext. 29
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Received on Wed 14 Apr 2004 01:52:50 PM CDT