CCBC-Net Archives

Graphic Novels in Libraries and Classrooms

From: Marnie <mjorenby>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 19:51:55 -0500

Dear CCBC Netters,

As some of you may know, there is a long-standing tradition of truly excellent graphic novels for children and adults in Japan. (They are called
"manga.") In Japan, graphic novels are widely read by adults as well as children. For example, a recent manga I spotted on the net is a dramatization of the daily life of a banker. One can read this novel to learn the details of banking!

I'm writing because I wanted to let people know that a small company called Viz Communications is steadily translating many of the classics of Japanese manga literature. I particularly recommend works by Osamu Tezuka, such as
"Firebird," a graphic novel running to about 14 volumes about humanity's quest for eternal life, embodied by the Phoenix. Check out their website at

Marnie Jorenby Assistant Professor of Japanese Gustavus Adolphus College
Received on Sun 11 Apr 2004 07:51:55 PM CDT