CCBC-Net Archives

Run Boy Run

From: Sally Miller <derbymiller>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 12:05:20 -0500

I have had this book on my shelf waiting to be read since I first heard about it, and am only just now getting round to it. Following the CCBC discussion caused me to push it forward in the queue. At this point early in the book (p. 52), I am utterly fascinated and intrigued. I find absolutely chilling the description of Srulik wandering the countryside while the "Polish" pursue their everyday activities in what seems an idyllic rural setting. I had no problem with the unexplained disappearance of his mother, because it seemed so typical to me of the many adult-related happenings that seem so incomprehensible, thus best ignored, in a child's life. The book doesn't have a particularly "foreign" flavor to me, and I don't doubt that my 13 year old grandson will be absorbed in it soon after I give it to him. Just one opinion from a grandparent/ middle school mentor/former teacher and writer. Sally Derby
Received on Mon 29 Mar 2004 11:05:20 AM CST