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From: Sue McGown <smcgown>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 13:16:45 -0600

Robin is exactly right about the Morgenstern books. They are delightful and work well as read-aloud books. I have used them with third and fourth graders will good success.

Sue McGown
Librarian, St. John's School
Houston, TX
smcgown at
Robin Smith wrote:
tly younger audience that happened to come from another country. 
mor--that seem to mark many of these titles. They are starting to recognize some of
the Swedish illustrators (Peter Cohen and Olof Landstrom's Boris's Glasses just
cracks them up as does Edvall and Gimbergssons's The Rabbit Who Didn't Want to Go to
 and love the gentle art of Chih-Yuan Chen (On My Ways to Buy Eggs.) Just today I
read Good Dog, Paw! by Taiwanese illustrator and author Chinlun Lee. (marvelous for
the dog lovers in Nashville...and Taiwan)
Sue McGown
Librarian, St. John's School
Houston, TX
smcgown at
Received on Fri 26 Mar 2004 01:16:45 PM CST