CCBC-Net Archives

Batchelder Award Thoughts

From: Kay Weisman <kweisman>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 21:14:32 -0600

On 3/26/04 2:49 PM, "Ginny Moore Kruse" wrote:

Ginny, I agree with you that ALSC might be encouraged to reconsider giving the Batchelder to the publisher, but I wonder if the translator might be a more fitting recipient of this award. The committee considers only the English version of a book and in fact, never sees the original. On several occasions this past year I found myself marveling at some particularly apt or clever wordplay or a ?just right? piece of verse and I wondered how these translations compared with the originals. It doesn?t really matter if the translator is merely ably working with a great story or enhancing a text for American readers?either way it is the translator who is responsible for the book being cited.

Kay Weisman
Received on Fri 26 Mar 2004 09:14:32 PM CST