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Batchelder Award

From: Kay Weisman <kweisman>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 18:58:12 -0600

I am unqualified to speak as a representative of the "market", but as one librarian it seems to me that an appreciation of translated books is an acquired taste that has to be developed--and hopefully nurtured by thoughtful parents, teachers and librarians. Many of the children in my school are first or second generation Americans whose other culture links are strong (perhaps they are not typical of kids in other communities) so I don't usually meet with a lot of resistance when I recommend a foreign book.

As chair of this year's Batchelder Committee I can say that the books we considered, while not particularly numerous, were very well written and accessible for young people. It's a shame we couldn't highlight more of them.

Kay Weisman Willowbrook School Library Glenview, IL 2004 Batchelder Chair

On 3/23/04 9:56 AM, "Norma Jean" wrote:

for what good forgotten, worked how award career, purpose figures starred fall would if translation of the Many on...

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Received on Tue 23 Mar 2004 06:58:12 PM CST