CCBC-Net Archives

Ashley Bryan and Reading the World VI

From: Judith Ridge <Judith.Ridge>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 09:48:10 +1100

On 9/3/04 8:10 AM, "Bev" wrote:

That last one would be me! I'm posting to say that I have set up a blog to report on (amongst other things) my forthcoming trip to the US and Canada. In addition to speaking about Australian children's books at the Reading the World conference, I will be speaking at the Victoria/British Columbia Children's Lit Round Table, the Women's University in Dallas and at the University of Southern Mississippi's Festival of Children's Literature.

Hopefully I might meet some ccbc-net folk on my travels!

My blog address is:


Judith Ridge Editorial Staff The School Magazine PO Box 1928 Macquarie Centre NSW 2113 AUSTRALIA
+61 2 9889 0044 (ph)
+61 2 9889 0040 (fax)

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Received on Mon 08 Mar 2004 04:48:10 PM CST