CCBC-Net Archives

Time-Travel Books

From: Sheila A Welch <sheilawelch>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 10:48:55 -0600

Hi, I haven't been following this discussion too closely, so forgive me if some of these have already been mentioned.

Time Windows by Kathryn Reiss Girl goes back in time when she starts playing with a doll house in their old house. I read it a long time ago but recall that it's quite suspenseful, and I think most middle graders would get caught up in what turns out to be a mystery.

Tom's Midnight Garden by Phillippa Pearce Tom goes back in time when the old clock strikes a late hour. This, I believe, is a classic.

Switching Well by Peni Griffin Two girls switch places at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries. I thought it was well done with lots of fascinating details.

The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen A girl is tired of all her family's Jewish traditions until she travels back in time and learns the terror of the past. Quite poignant.

Sheila Welch
Received on Tue 06 Jan 2004 10:48:55 AM CST