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From: Boagjohns at <Boagjohns>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 13:20:12 EST
Just want to chime in briefly about The Man Who Walked the Towers
I took to the book at first sight while in Toronto - the art is so deceptively simple in detail, yet so full and the text - just enough for the reader to fill in where or if needed. But I was most moved by the ending. As a New Yorker, the memory of the two towers will be kept alive even more so by their quiet inclusion in this book.
Received on Wed 28 Jan 2004 12:20:12 PM CST
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 13:20:12 EST
Just want to chime in briefly about The Man Who Walked the Towers
I took to the book at first sight while in Toronto - the art is so deceptively simple in detail, yet so full and the text - just enough for the reader to fill in where or if needed. But I was most moved by the ending. As a New Yorker, the memory of the two towers will be kept alive even more so by their quiet inclusion in this book.
Received on Wed 28 Jan 2004 12:20:12 PM CST