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Gerstein and ....who owns 9/11?

From: uma at <uma>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 09:16:57 -0700

I loved Gerstein's book as I have loved so much of his work, ever since I picked up The Mountains of Tibet years ago and found the large philosophical subject of reincarnation handled in its pages in a gentle, sensitive way. I don't know what went into the decision to publish The Man Who..., although I'm sure the market and its whimsies played a role. To me it seems a tribute to something beyond a tragically altered part of a particular cityscape. It's a treat to see his work getting the recognition it deserves.

As for who owns 9/11, for awhile I thought to my horror it was Kissinger, thank goodness that phase passed. I'm not sure, yet. Alas, here in the hinterland I think its meaning has been reduced to a sort of Hallmark sympathy card version, so it's nice to see a book with depth like The Man Who Walked...


Uma Krishnaswami
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Received on Sat 31 Jan 2004 10:16:57 AM CST