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Wisconsin's Governor Honors Kevin Henkes & Olive's Ocean

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 16:06:58 -0600

Last evening while we were watching the televised coverage of Wisconsin Governor James Doyle's "State of the State" speech, we were thrilled to hear him commend Kevin Henkes. The governor acknowledged Kevin for writing "Olive's Ocean," speaking of it as a recently named Newbery Honor Book. Governor Doyle also referred to Kevin's involvement last fall with a program for middle school student writers hosted by First Lady Jessica Doyle (a former middle school teacher) at the Governor's mansion.

Governor Doyle asked Kevin to stand. The bi-partisan assemblage at the Wisconsin State House loudly and enthusiastically applauded.

Getting bi-partisan applause was no small thing during Governor Doyle's speech last night. Like many of the members of the U.S. Congress on the previous evening, members of the Wisconsin Legislature who belong to the opposite political party simply sat on their hands during much of the speech, regardless of how worthy a reference might be. Apparently it was
"safe" for everyone to stand and honor a Wisconsin creator of books for children!

The text of Governor Doyle's speech on January 21 can be found at

I'm not suggesting that the CCBC-Net community digress into exchanging comments about political speeches or governors, etc., but I did think some of you might be interested to know that the Newbery Honor Book
"Olive's Ocean" and its creator were publicly cited this way.

Cheers! - Ginny

Ginny Moore Kruse gmkruse at
Received on Thu 22 Jan 2004 04:06:58 PM CST