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The Tale of Despereaux

From: Margaret Tice <mtice>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 15:23:42 -0500

As a member of the National Book Award jury, I would like to echo Susan's comments that we read and discussed many wonderful books. As the Coordinator of Children's Services at The New York Public Library, I would say the same thing regarding our list of 100 Books for Reading and Sharing for 2003. The fervor of the discussion regarding The Tale of Desperaux is curiously refreshing. Sometimes we include all of the ALA award winners on our list and sometimes not. Different committees recognize different titles, providing practioners, parents and children with many enriching choices.


Margaret Tice, Coordinator Office of Children's Services New York Public Library 455 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 1001622 21240 03; fax: 21240 88

                      SuCamBar at
                                               To: fairrosa at,
                      01/19/2004 09:31 ccbc-net at
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                      Please respond to Subject: Re: [ccbc-net] The Tale of Despereaux

While I cannot reveal details of the National Book Award judging and selection process, I can assure you that no entry was overlooked or scorned by any member of our committee. We celebrate the fact that the ALA has recognized Kate DiCamillo's delightful Tale of Despereaux, as well as other titles we did not name. We delight and applaud the diversity of their choices. Congratulations on a hard job, well done, ALA!

Susan Campbell Bartoletti, Chair National Book Award for Young People's LIterature Judges' Committee.

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Received on Tue 20 Jan 2004 02:23:42 PM CST