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Time Travel (ccbc)
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From: sari miller <smiller50>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:35:11 -0500
It's interesting to me that our discussion centers on time travel at the very time I am trying to improve a middle-grade novel manuscript which involves time travel. I am sure that all the titles mentioned will help me discern ways in which the story can be improved. Up until now I've done mostly picture story books, so writing this book is a daunting endeavor. Of the books mentioned so far, my favorite is Tom's Midnight Garden, although Anne Lindbergh's Nick of Time, in a lighter vein, is one that I have enjoyed very much, particularly since the time travelled to is so accessible to a young reader with an imperfect sense of history.
Sally Derby Miller Two Fools and a Horse
Received on Tue 06 Jan 2004 11:35:11 AM CST
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:35:11 -0500
It's interesting to me that our discussion centers on time travel at the very time I am trying to improve a middle-grade novel manuscript which involves time travel. I am sure that all the titles mentioned will help me discern ways in which the story can be improved. Up until now I've done mostly picture story books, so writing this book is a daunting endeavor. Of the books mentioned so far, my favorite is Tom's Midnight Garden, although Anne Lindbergh's Nick of Time, in a lighter vein, is one that I have enjoyed very much, particularly since the time travelled to is so accessible to a young reader with an imperfect sense of history.
Sally Derby Miller Two Fools and a Horse
Received on Tue 06 Jan 2004 11:35:11 AM CST