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The Man Who Walked...

From: Norma Jean <nsawicki>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:37:45 -0500

This is another New Yorker who does not have a sentimental attachment to books, films, documentaries etc., about 9/11; books, etc., on the subject rise or fall depending on the merit (s) of the work. As a former publisher, I expected many books on the subject to be published asap...I am sure publishers were inundated with submissions about the in, yesterday's newspaper headline becomes this year's book ( not being cynical, it is a fact/observation) and while the initial books about a subject often do little more than scratch the surface, powerful and poignant books eventually come along. In my judgement, The Man Who far more than a book about 9/11 and I love it.

I have lived in New York and in an area of the city long enough to remember the outcry about the building of the World Trade Center. Many worried that it was too tall, and in the event of a necessary evacuation, people would not be able to get out on time, and others believed it would destroy the skyline. In darker moments, I wish a newspaper would publish the concerns thousands of people had when the towers were being built. All forgotten, and history repeating itself in the sense that if I remember correctly, the new towers will be even taller. Sorry to end on that note but I thought some might be interested in the lack of support that existed early on. Norma Jean
Received on Fri 30 Jan 2004 02:37:45 PM CST