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Some petrol

From: Mason, John <JMason>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:40:25 -0500

THE CANNING SEASON was, however, a Best Book for Young Adults.

John Mason, Director of Library and Educational Marketing, Scholastic Inc., Trade Book Group

 Message----From: druthgo at [mailto:druthgo at] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:41 PM To: ccbc-net at Subject: [ccbc-net] Some petrol

Just to add a little more petrol to the Newby discussion: THE CANNING SEASON, a brilliant book that pokes a finger in the brain of s/he who is willing to cogitate, was absent from even the "Notables" list. Go figure.

Fraidy cats?

Big Grandma (who will have something to say about the Calecott and who is NOT unhappy about the Newby--for all it matters).

"You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)

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Received on Wed 21 Jan 2004 09:40:25 AM CST