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Scott O'Dell Award Announcement
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From: Martha Parravano <mparravano>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 14:49:02 -0500
Hi all--I am forwarding this announcement to the CCBC-Net community at Roger Sutton's request:
THE 2004 SCOTT O'DELL AWARD FOR HISTORICAL FICTION The River Between Us by Richard Peck, published by Dial, is this year's winner of the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction. A landmark writer of historical fiction for young people, Scott O'Dell established the annual
$5000 Award in 1982 for a children's or young adult book published in English by a U.S. publisher and set in the Americas. The members of the award committee are Ann Carlson, Hazel Rochman (chair), and Roger Sutton.
Set during the Civil War, The River Between Us is a powerful mystery in which personal secrets drive the plot and reveal the history. Two mysterious young women get off a boat in a small town in southern Illinois, and 15-year-old Tilly Pruitt's mother takes them in. Who are they? Is the darker-complexioned woman the other woman's slave? Tilly's older brother falls in love with one of them--rich, stylish, worldly Delphine, who shows Tilly a world of possibilities beyond her home. It's a riveting story of young people facing war, not sure what side to be on or why. Each sentence in Tilly's voice is a scrappy, melancholy, wry evocation of character, time, and place. The revelations are astonishing up to the very last page.
Martha V. Parravano Executive Editor The Horn Book Magazine 56 Roland St. Suite 200 Boston MA 02129 617b825
Received on Thu 08 Jan 2004 01:49:02 PM CST
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 14:49:02 -0500
Hi all--I am forwarding this announcement to the CCBC-Net community at Roger Sutton's request:
THE 2004 SCOTT O'DELL AWARD FOR HISTORICAL FICTION The River Between Us by Richard Peck, published by Dial, is this year's winner of the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction. A landmark writer of historical fiction for young people, Scott O'Dell established the annual
$5000 Award in 1982 for a children's or young adult book published in English by a U.S. publisher and set in the Americas. The members of the award committee are Ann Carlson, Hazel Rochman (chair), and Roger Sutton.
Set during the Civil War, The River Between Us is a powerful mystery in which personal secrets drive the plot and reveal the history. Two mysterious young women get off a boat in a small town in southern Illinois, and 15-year-old Tilly Pruitt's mother takes them in. Who are they? Is the darker-complexioned woman the other woman's slave? Tilly's older brother falls in love with one of them--rich, stylish, worldly Delphine, who shows Tilly a world of possibilities beyond her home. It's a riveting story of young people facing war, not sure what side to be on or why. Each sentence in Tilly's voice is a scrappy, melancholy, wry evocation of character, time, and place. The revelations are astonishing up to the very last page.
Martha V. Parravano Executive Editor The Horn Book Magazine 56 Roland St. Suite 200 Boston MA 02129 617b825
Received on Thu 08 Jan 2004 01:49:02 PM CST