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The Tale of Despereaux
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From: G Gallagher <gglibrarian>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:28:21 -0500
I am still a bit jet-lagged and recovering from conventioneering, but I must share what a favorite Desperaux has become for both children and staff at my libraries. I had the misfortune of finishing the book during a lunch break and feeling so sorry that it had to end and so touched by the final thoughts that I had to sit for several minutes to gather myself together before returning to work. I am also pleased that the award went to a book that can be enjoyed by both young and older children alike. As much as I enjoyed House of the Scorpion, it was pushing the upper end of the age-range and I have had to steer away younger readers who were not yet ready to read it. Congratulations to the committee on their hard work! Genevieve
Genevieve Gallagher Youth Services Librarian Orange County Public Library Orange, Virginia
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Received on Wed 14 Jan 2004 11:28:21 AM CST
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:28:21 -0500
I am still a bit jet-lagged and recovering from conventioneering, but I must share what a favorite Desperaux has become for both children and staff at my libraries. I had the misfortune of finishing the book during a lunch break and feeling so sorry that it had to end and so touched by the final thoughts that I had to sit for several minutes to gather myself together before returning to work. I am also pleased that the award went to a book that can be enjoyed by both young and older children alike. As much as I enjoyed House of the Scorpion, it was pushing the upper end of the age-range and I have had to steer away younger readers who were not yet ready to read it. Congratulations to the committee on their hard work! Genevieve
Genevieve Gallagher Youth Services Librarian Orange County Public Library Orange, Virginia
_________________________________________________________________ Let the new MSN Premium Internet Software make the most of your high-speed experience.
Received on Wed 14 Jan 2004 11:28:21 AM CST