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The Tale of Despereaux
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From: Hendon, Alison <A.Hendon>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 10:26:33 -0500
I think it's interesting to see how a book was or wasn't honored. In the case of this year's Newbery awards, it doesn't surprise me to see that Desperaux wasn't on a number of lists. Someone asked me before Midwinter what my Newbery choice was. I had to say that I didn't have one. For me, there were a lot of really good books (including some that weren't mentioned in lists etc.) but no one really great book.
Received on Tue 20 Jan 2004 09:26:33 AM CST
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 10:26:33 -0500
I think it's interesting to see how a book was or wasn't honored. In the case of this year's Newbery awards, it doesn't surprise me to see that Desperaux wasn't on a number of lists. Someone asked me before Midwinter what my Newbery choice was. I had to say that I didn't have one. For me, there were a lot of really good books (including some that weren't mentioned in lists etc.) but no one really great book.
Received on Tue 20 Jan 2004 09:26:33 AM CST