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From: Mary Stoiber <MSTOIBE>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 07:55:59 -0600
Two of my favorites have been mentioned: Tom's Midnight Garden and Fog Magic. I would also like to add The Reluctant God by Pam Service to the list. This deals with a younger son in Ancient Egypt who is discovered by an archeologist in modern times. I know these haven't been published in the last ten years but are still great reads.
Mary Stoiber IMC Director Webster Transitional School Cedarburg, WI 262.376.6575 mstoibe at
Received on Wed 07 Jan 2004 07:55:59 AM CST
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 07:55:59 -0600
Two of my favorites have been mentioned: Tom's Midnight Garden and Fog Magic. I would also like to add The Reluctant God by Pam Service to the list. This deals with a younger son in Ancient Egypt who is discovered by an archeologist in modern times. I know these haven't been published in the last ten years but are still great reads.
Mary Stoiber IMC Director Webster Transitional School Cedarburg, WI 262.376.6575 mstoibe at
Received on Wed 07 Jan 2004 07:55:59 AM CST