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From: Cindy Dobrez <dobrez>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 06:54:30 -0500
Thanks for posting the link to your website. The day might seem remote to your fourth graders, but their remembrances brought me to tears. When I was in high school I used Kenneth Koch's book, ROSE WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR RED to guide me in teaching a class of third graders to write poetry. It was one of the most memorable learning experiences I had in high school and your student's poems brought all of those memories flooding back too. Children can say so much in so few words. Thanks for sharing.
While booktalking last week with my 6th & 7th graders I started by telling them about the ALA highlights of my BBYA discussions and the excitement of the awards announcements press conference. I described THE MAN WHO WALKED BETWEEN THE TOWERS to them and told them that I would buy it for our library and many of them were quite eager to read/see it. I gave it to a sister-in-law in NY City as a Christmas gift, but now will have to wait for reprints to get it for my library. I think it is a beautiful book that works on many levels. My thirteen-year-old daughter hasn't stopped talking about DON'T LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS. Besides being a perfect storytime book for children, I think teens who are eager to drive can relate to the pigeon. She loved the art work too. I felt a little guilty sitting in the press conference room in San Diego knowing that both of these Caldecott winners from my public library were sequestered in my home on awards day. I returned them promptly when I got home to Michigan!
Two hour delay here after a snow day yesterday. Time for another cup of coffee!
Cindy Dobrez, Librarian
Harbor Lights School
3600 N. 152nd Ave.
Holland, MI 49424
dobrez at
Received on Thu 29 Jan 2004 05:54:30 AM CST
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 06:54:30 -0500
Thanks for posting the link to your website. The day might seem remote to your fourth graders, but their remembrances brought me to tears. When I was in high school I used Kenneth Koch's book, ROSE WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR RED to guide me in teaching a class of third graders to write poetry. It was one of the most memorable learning experiences I had in high school and your student's poems brought all of those memories flooding back too. Children can say so much in so few words. Thanks for sharing.
While booktalking last week with my 6th & 7th graders I started by telling them about the ALA highlights of my BBYA discussions and the excitement of the awards announcements press conference. I described THE MAN WHO WALKED BETWEEN THE TOWERS to them and told them that I would buy it for our library and many of them were quite eager to read/see it. I gave it to a sister-in-law in NY City as a Christmas gift, but now will have to wait for reprints to get it for my library. I think it is a beautiful book that works on many levels. My thirteen-year-old daughter hasn't stopped talking about DON'T LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS. Besides being a perfect storytime book for children, I think teens who are eager to drive can relate to the pigeon. She loved the art work too. I felt a little guilty sitting in the press conference room in San Diego knowing that both of these Caldecott winners from my public library were sequestered in my home on awards day. I returned them promptly when I got home to Michigan!
Two hour delay here after a snow day yesterday. Time for another cup of coffee!
Cindy Dobrez, Librarian
Harbor Lights School
3600 N. 152nd Ave.
Holland, MI 49424
dobrez at
Received on Thu 29 Jan 2004 05:54:30 AM CST