CCBC-Net Archives

Looking for favorite holiday titles/traditions

From: olgy at <olgy>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 00:32:44 -0700

With the holiday season fast approaching, Children Come First is putting together a list of favorite books that children authors, editors, educators, and parents recommend. We'd love to hear from you all! CCF has posted a form to their site that can be used to send in suggested titles.

If you have a website, include it in the byline. Don't be shy when it comes to putting things on your byline. We have the ulterior motive of having folks link back to you when they read what your favorite holiday titles and traditions are. :-)

________________________________________________ Olgy Gary, M.A., CCF's General Manager Children Come First...because they're our greatest treasure!
Received on Tue 02 Dec 2003 01:32:44 AM CST