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From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 11:47:23 -0500

While I am working on my favorite choices, I would like to comment on MIlkweed by Jerry Spinelli. I found the naive point of view of the child protagonist in WWII Warsaw intriguing. The narrator seems to be an adult looking back who simply relates his childhood observations. I then found the ending rather jarring when he hastily tells in a handful of pages what happened to him after the war to the present. All the immediacy and emotion drained from the story for me. I would have rather ended with him following the train and had to guess what might have happened as one did with the fate of the other characters. I hope I have managed not to spoil the ending for those who have yet to read this book. Melody Allen
Received on Fri 05 Dec 2003 10:47:23 AM CST