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From: fran manushkin <franm>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 17:41:30 -0500

PEN American Center is now offfering grants to writers who are in the process of translating a work of fiction or nonfiction into English. We would appreciate it if you would forward the notice at the bottom of this email to anyone you think would be interested in knowing about these grants--writers, editors, etc. It would be wonderful if a work for children could be the recipient of one of these awards. The full text explaining entry rules is below.


Vera B. Williams Fran Manushkin

      am Menu: Call for Submissions

This year the newly-inaugurated PEN Translation Fund will make several awards of between $2,000 and $10,000 to support the translation of works of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, or drama currently unavailable in English.

Applicants should submit 1) a sample translation of ten to twelve pages, single-spaced; 2) the same passage in the original (and, if the work has been translated before, the passage in the earlier version); 3) a statement of one to two pages, single-spaced, outlining the work and describing its importance; 4) a bio-bibliography of the author (including information on translations of his or her works into other languages); 5) a CV of the translator; 6) an account of any prior funding the project has received
(including advances from publishers); 7) the copyright notice of the original; and 8) a document signed by the holder of the copyright granting the applicant translation rights, or a document indicating that the work is in the public domain..

All of the above should be sent as attachments to peter at (Items 2, 7, and 8 may be scanned and included as attachments or, should that prove unfeasible, sent separately as hard copy to: The PEN Translation Fund, PEN American Center, 568 Broadway, 4th floor, New York, NY 10012225.)

Submissions will be judged by a jury of prominent translators, writers, and editors on the quality of the original work and the quality of the translation. In cases of equal merit, priority will be given to underrepresented languages and authors and to works previously untranslated.

For further information consult the PEN website at, or contact Peter G. Meyer, Director of Literary Awards, at (212) 33460 x108 or peter at

The deadline for applications is January 15, 2004. Awards will be announced at the end of March 2004. Beneficiaries will receive half of the award at that time and half upon submitting the completed translation.
Received on Fri 21 Nov 2003 04:41:30 PM CST