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Books on the Big Screen: Holes

From: Sue Sherif <sue_sherif>
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 17:21:07 -0800

Sure that I would be disappointed in the movie version of Holes, but curious nonetheless about how they'd ever translate it the screen, my immediate reaction on seeing the actor who played Stanley was blurted out in a loud, clear voice by the 12-year old boy sitting immediately behind me and muttered less distinctly by others in the area: "He's not fat!"

However, the actor's portrayal of Stanley grew on me and the 12 year-old.
("That was the best movie I've ever seen, " was my young neighbor's final review, despite the fact that he was ready to point out divergences from the novel at every instance throughout the movie.)

I was particularly worried how Sachar's tone might be lost in the translation, but I think the physical depiction of the camp especially the dry lake bed pocked with the holes was just right and somehow gave a physical form to the distinctive voice in the book.

I know that most novelists have little to say about the screen versions of their works, but I wonder if Sachar's active participation in this film didn't make a big difference in terms of what I think was a positive outcome in this case?

Sue Sherif

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Received on Thu 03 Jul 2003 08:21:07 PM CDT