CCBC-Net Archives

Holes, the movie

From: Cassie Wilson <cwilson2>
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 17:09:25 -0400

Holes," the movie, is, in my opinion, about the best translation of book to movie that I've ever seen. It has been long enough since I read the book that I've forgotten details that might have been changed except that Stanley should have been heavier, so I didn't have to spend time during the film mentally arguing with myself about that. The spirit of the work, at least, seems to have come through.

However, I still think the book is a better, more thorough, experience. A book can get inside your mind and connect with your own experiences and feelings, and you can take your time and stay with the parts that speak most loudly. The movie did not leave me with that ennobling feeling that a good book (and sometimes a good movie) does; it simply was not as satisfying. It certainly seems to have stimulated a number of kids to read the book as requests for it have skyrocketed at our library. I wonder which order the stimulation most often took: book first or movie? Either way, it's quite an achievement.

                Cassie Wilson
                St. Marys, OH
Received on Sun 06 Jul 2003 04:09:25 PM CDT