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publisher vs. distributor

From: Levine, Arthur <ALevine>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 21:37:15 -0400

I'm not sure if this technicality is of great interest to the list serve, but I believe that Raincoast is the Canadian "distributor" of Harry Potter, just as Allen & Unwin is the distributor in Australia. So it's not quite accurate to say that they "co-publish."

I think you'll find the Bloomsbury imprint on the books in Canada, indicating that Raincoast is distributing Bloomsbury's edition, rather than publishing one of its own. One practcal result of this distinction is that the books in Canada and Australia are identical (jacket and interiors) to the UK editions.
Received on Fri 06 Jun 2003 08:37:15 PM CDT