CCBC-Net Archives

Waiting for Harry abroad

From: Robin L. Gibson <gibsonr>
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2003 08:00:00 -0400

Here in Sweden (I'm spending six months here as my husband is on sabbatical) I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of the newest Harry to arrive via sometime after the 21st. Last night at dinner I spoke with the parent of a 13 year old boy who is and continues to be a big Harry Potter fan. The father said he'll have to wait another 6 months or so for a Swedish translation to appear, though he's interested enough that he may try to read it in English. Children learn English in school from an early age here, though reading a 700+ page book in a foreign language will definitely be a challenge. That's a real fan isn't it, to tackle the language barrier for Harry!


Robin L. Gibson 		       until August 2003:
PO Box 161			       Holtermansgatan 5D Lag 2021
Granville OH  43023		       41129 Goteborg
gibsonr at		       Sweden
Received on Sat 07 Jun 2003 07:00:00 AM CDT