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From: Sara Milewski <smilewski>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 17:33:39 -0500

I'm proud to say that I just got through that monster of a book (no pun intended!). Cheers to K.H. for her idea for a book stand as the sheer girth of the books in this series is getting, well, almost uncomfortable to manage!
        I, like many others, feel like the books are definitely getting darker over time. Harry's brooding throughout the whole book (not to mention the same from his pal Sirius) got to be a little tedious. Even the most morose teenager feels some happiness sometime that lasts more that the length of a few paragraphs.
        I do like the introduction of so many more adult characters in the wizarding world. As is pointed out to Harry, he needs to start thinking about his future after Hogwarts.
        As always, J.K. has left us hanging at the end and craving the next installment. I wonder if you can preorder book 6 on yet...

Peace, Sara Milewski Teacher, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Received on Tue 24 Jun 2003 05:33:39 PM CDT