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Cover art for HP 5

From: Kaminski Katie <Kaminski_Katie>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 10:13:25 -0600

I find this interesting as I was in Glasgow on the release and was only offered one copy-the colorful one.

Katie Kaminski

 Message----From: Robin L. Gibson To: Dotti Cc: 'Subscribers of ccbc-net' Sent: 6/17/2003 07:37 Subject: Re: [ccbc-net] Cover art for HP 5

Thanks, Dotti, for correcting me on this. If anyone is interested, you can see the two different covers at; the British children's one is perhaps the most colorful, with the British adult one being almost black and white. The US edition is different still, with Mary Grandpre's illustration of Harry himself front and center. I think I like it the best of the three. It's interesting how different all 3 are!


Quoting Dotti :

given one in two cover Will it
"adult" teens HP on...

Robin L. Gibson 		       until August 2003:
PO Box 161			       Holtermansgatan 5D Lag 2021
Granville OH  43023		       41129 Goteborg
gibsonr at		       Sweden
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Received on Mon 30 Jun 2003 11:13:25 AM CDT