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From: Monica R. Edinger <edinger>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 05:51:12 -0400
ccbc-net at (Subscribers of ccbc-net) writes:
On television. Monica L. is the hostess of a reality show where women query men in masks. I only saw an ad for it, but it seemed like a pretty weird variation on The Dating Game. Although, I suppose, "How do you feel about oral sex?" was never a question for Bachelor 1, 2 or 3.
And I have no doubt many on the cusp of adolescence are watching this show and many others that are full of pretty explicit references to sex. My 4th graders have been talking for years about television and movies they've seen that are definitely not meant for them. We are currently reading The Wizard of Oz and will be viewing the MGM movie next week. My telling them of my fear of the flaming head seems quaint and incomprehensible to them given what they see every night on television. On the other hand, I can report with authority that the whole class squirms and goes "Eeuw" when we see a video that has kissing oin it. So, for all their exposure to stuff I never knew about when I was their age, I think you can relax and not worry that they are gearing up for oral sex, or any sort of sex for that matter, in the near future.
the other Monica
Monica Edinger The Dalton School New York NY edinger at monicaedinger at
Received on Wed 21 May 2003 04:51:12 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 05:51:12 -0400
ccbc-net at (Subscribers of ccbc-net) writes:
On television. Monica L. is the hostess of a reality show where women query men in masks. I only saw an ad for it, but it seemed like a pretty weird variation on The Dating Game. Although, I suppose, "How do you feel about oral sex?" was never a question for Bachelor 1, 2 or 3.
And I have no doubt many on the cusp of adolescence are watching this show and many others that are full of pretty explicit references to sex. My 4th graders have been talking for years about television and movies they've seen that are definitely not meant for them. We are currently reading The Wizard of Oz and will be viewing the MGM movie next week. My telling them of my fear of the flaming head seems quaint and incomprehensible to them given what they see every night on television. On the other hand, I can report with authority that the whole class squirms and goes "Eeuw" when we see a video that has kissing oin it. So, for all their exposure to stuff I never knew about when I was their age, I think you can relax and not worry that they are gearing up for oral sex, or any sort of sex for that matter, in the near future.
the other Monica
Monica Edinger The Dalton School New York NY edinger at monicaedinger at
Received on Wed 21 May 2003 04:51:12 AM CDT