CCBC-Net Archives

Re Essay Link, from Kelly Milner-Halls

From: Maryann Schneider <marysmuse>
Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 22:04:49 -0400

I passed Robyn's post along to Kelly Milner-Halls, and she requested that I share this with the list:

has an edgy ya booklist. She also has a good (and short) essay on the topic here:

Robyn Murphy Dover, NH URI GSLIS student

Kelly writes:

Many thanks to Robyn for posting links to two of the observational "extras" on my website. Chris Crutcher, Terry Davis, Terry Trueman and I did the WORD
(Washington Organization for Reading Development) Conference in Spokane last October and presented a discussion on what "edgy" literature was and how it served the reading community. It was an outstanding moment -- or two actually, since we did the moderated discussion twice -- if I do say so myself. The booklist references is anything but complete. But it was an attempt to offer a nice starting point for educators interested in exploring some of the best of the best. Both pieces were the handout I gave interested attendees.

As for the core of your list conversation, I'm sorry my attempts to sign onto the list were unsuccessful, because it's a fascinating topic and one I hold very dear to my heart. I'd love the chance to learn more from all of you. But for now, I offer only my thanks for noticing my work.


Kelly Milner Halls Freelancer

"I am only one - but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." -Helen Keller

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Received on Sun 04 May 2003 09:04:49 PM CDT