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YA literature

From: Susanne Gervay <gervays>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 11:43:51 +1000


The YA literature in Oz has become increasingly cutting edge, relevant, innovative. Unlike adult readers who are conned by awards and the "right thing to read", young people will not read unless it is relevant.

I am finding that YA authors are experimenting with styles with a trend to move from past to present, writing from multiple perspectives. "Lovely Bones" by Anna Sebold was supposedly an adult book. However it struck me as a YA novel written from a teenage r's perspective about identity, death, family relationships. The teenager was speaking from heaven for those who have not read the book.

The edge in YA writing is exciting. It is going into the heart of youth today acknowledging their issues and bringing new viewpoints to them.

Susanne Gervay Sydney YA author
Received on Tue 13 May 2003 08:43:51 PM CDT