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by heart

From: Rob Reid <reid>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 13:23:08 -0500

I have about 12 poems memorized, ranging from simple four-line ditties to the long, tongue-twisting Dennis Lee fritter poem mentioned in my earlier posting (prompting the Poetry Slam Emcee to quip afterwards, "Reid has a lot of time on his hands").

I encourage the future teachers and librarians in my Children's Lit class to memorize a few poems and surprise their students with an impromptu recitation here and there. Much better to inspire kids to memorize poems that way than by requiring them to memorizing a poem as homework.

Rob Reid Youth Services/Special Needs Coordinator Indianhead Federated Library System 1538 Truax Blvd, Eau Claire, WI 54703 715?9P82, ext. 14 Fax: 715?9Q51 reid at
----- Original Message ----From: "Kathleen Odean" To: "Subscribers of ccbc-net" Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 9:53 AM Subject: [ccbc-net] by heart

up. a magic, on...

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