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From: Judith Ridge <judithr>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:06:40 +1000

on 30/4/03 5:19 AM, Emmaattic at at Emmaattic at wrote:

Ridiculous? Or a personal response that may simply be remarkably and surprisingly different to our own reading? Would we say to a child's heartfelt response to a poem/novel/etc that takes us by surprise - no, no, no, that's ridiculous! Wouldn't that be anathema to the intention of sharing poetry with young readers, to encouraging their engagement with the literature and ownership of their own reading? Why would we say that to an adult?

I have myself, as I expressed in my last post on this topic, been surprised by a colleague's response to a poem, which was completely different to my own reading. But rather than dismiss it as ridiculous, I preferred to enjoy and ponder the alternate response, even if it didn't gel with my own.

Received on Wed 30 Apr 2003 07:06:40 AM CDT