CCBC-Net Archives

children's lit peace petition

From: Sharon Levin <sharonlevin>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 11:51:20 -0800

I hesitated before sending this to ccbc (I have already sent it to Child Lit), but it seems as if this would be well received here, so I'm sending it on.

Peace to all,


Last weekend at a gathering of children's book authors and illustrators, conversation returned continually to our deep concern over the threat of war and our helplessness in the face of it. One of the participants was Elisa Kleven, whose mother created the slogan and poster War Is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things during the Vietnam War. We came up with a slogan of our own. Ours is based on what we tell our children when they begin to fight: USE YOUR WORDS. We want to quickly and efficiently let our political representatives know how we feel about the war on Iraq.

If you'd like to join us, please copy the following letter, add your name, and how you are affiliated with books (author, illustrator, bookseller,publisher,librarian, educator, agent, etc.) and email it today to your political representatives (a phone call too will add strength to this campaign). Also, if your signature number ends with a zero (20, 30, 40, etc.) send a copy to VVLewis at in order for us to manage the list. This time sensitive campaign is based solely on word of mouth.
 Please send this on to other book people.

USE YOUR WORDS Book People Against This War

1. Karen Cushman, author 2. Elisa Kleven, author/illustrator 3. Valerie Lewis, author/bookseller 4. Serena Murray,bookseller 5. Miranda Collet, author,teacher 6. Julio Aguilera, author,educator 7. Monica Holmes,bookseller 8. Linda Ronberg, bookseller 9. Dennis Ronberg, bookseller 10. Sandra Nisbet, editor,professor 11. Betty Parsons, teacher 12. Jane Yolen, author/editor/educator 13. Kendra Marcus, literaryagent 14. Kathleen Duey, author 15. Sara Jane Boyers,author/editor 16. April Pulley Sayre,author 17. Peni Griffin, author 18. Mary K. Whittington,author 19. Joanne Ryder, author 20. Jackie French Koller,author 21. Jackie Briggs Martin,author 22. Sharon Levin, reviewer 23. Jane Cutler, author

Dear I've added my name to the list of people who strongly believe that words--not war-? used to ease the tensions in Iraq. In addition to Americans dying, or being wounded and maimed, a war would kill or mutilate thousands of innocents and escalate tensions throughout the Middle East and the world. We urge you to use our precious human and financial resources to enhance, not destroy,life.


Received on Tue 18 Mar 2003 01:51:20 PM CST