CCBC-Net Archives

War books

From: Cammie Backus <cbackus>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:32:39 -0500

I got this email forwarded to me this morning; it seems appropriate in light of the recent discussion about war books.

 Message----From: FINE [mailto:fine at] Subject: From FINE: Resources on How to Talk to Children About War and Peace

Dear FINE Member,

We would like to share with you some web resources designed to support communication with children about war and peace.

Educators for Social Responsibility provides guides and curricular suggestions to help teachers address national and global issues:

The United Nations offers a curriculum on peace education:

The NYU Child Study Center tackles tough questions about how to talk to children about the war with Iraq:

National Association of School Psychologists offers advice on helping children cope with fears of war and terrorism:


The FINE Team

===========================FINE (Family Involvement Network of Educators) Harvard Family Research Project Harvard Graduate School of Education 3 Garden Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: 617I5?08 Fax: 617I5?94 Email: fine at
Received on Thu 20 Mar 2003 10:32:39 AM CST