CCBC-Net Archives

Printz awards

From: Head of Youth Services <VOORYS>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:34:38 -0500

I was present at ALA Midwinter and for the press conference announcing the book awards. I never felt so much excitement in one room as I did that morning. Personally, I was truly thrilled with every book that the Printz committee chose, especially _Postcards_. Michael Cart probably put it best when he said that the awards, and I am paraphrasing, were given for literary merit, not the most popular. _Postcards_ was so high on my list of great reads this year. I couldn't stop talking about it to anyone who would listen. It is daring, true, thoughtful, poignant, and relevant.
   I think that the book all came together for me with the many quotes from Anne Frank's diary. That is the hook that I mention to young adults. Most know Anne Frank. I visited, long ago, Amsterdam. The only place I wanted to go was to Anne Frank's house - just like Jacob Todd. I could quote from her diary, and I could see the changes that have happened in the city, all from Chambers' description.
   I think we need to talk about this book, and to tell students about this. It is a book about so many themes relevant to kids today - war, love, the world. We should also be talking to adults about this book. It is just as good a read for them, too!

Joyce Laiosa

-Joyce R. Laiosa Youth Services Librarian Voorheesville Public Library 51 School Road Voorheesville, NY 12186 voorys at 518v5'91 FAX:518v5007
Received on Mon 31 Mar 2003 10:34:38 AM CST