CCBC-Net Archives

War books

From: Richard Quiring <richard_quiring>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 16:28:17 -0800

I received an email from a colleague today with a lengthy list of websites. As Cammie said earlier today, ??it seems appropriate in light of the recent discussion about war books.?

Trying to make sense out of these events can be difficult for adults, let alone children. Here are some web sites that may provide some assistance.

************************************** Richard Quiring, Teacher-Librarian Greendale Elementary School 46361 Yale Road Chilliwack, BC V2P 2P9 Phone: (604) 823g38 Fax: (604) 823E82 Email: richard_quiring at

1. Talking to Kids About War New York University Child Study Center

2. Talking About Conflict and War The Learning Network

3. Talking with Children about War - Pointers for Parents The Learning Network

4. Talking with Kids about the News Children Now

5. "Helping Children Cope with Violence,Terrorism, and Grief" on the NCCIC Web site. The information can be found at

  6. AAP Offers Advice on Communicating with Children about Disasters
  - How Pediatricians Can Respond to the Psychosocial Implications of Disasters (AAP Policy statement)

    Psychosocial Issues for Children and Families in Disasters: A Guide for the
  Primary Care Physician (Joint publication between AAP and US Center for
  Mental Health Services)

8. - The Pediatrician's Role in
  Disaster Preparedness (AAP policy statement)

9. - Child Deaths Hit
  Communities Hard: Disasters Demand Psychological Triage (AAP

  10. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has suggestions
  for "Helping Children After a Disaster." They can be found at:

  11. Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters

  12. Tragic Times, Healing Words Helping Your Children Cope with the Latest
  Disasters by the Sesame Workshop

  13. Kids Com .Com Kids speak out!

  14. Talking with Kids about the News

  15. National SAFE KIDS Campaign and Matchbox Partner to Celebrate National
  9-1-1 Day

  16. Talking with Kids About Tough Issues

  17. Helping Your Kids Feel Safe

  18. Nickelodeon Parent Talk Violence

  19. Response to Terrorism: Teacher Handout From American School Counselor Association

  20. Helping Your Child Deal With the Terrorist Tragedy

  21. Talking to Kids About War

  22. Help for Coping with the Attacks in the U.S.

  23. Connect for Kids

  24. Coping After A Disaster

  25.**For Very Young Children
  Even babies and toddlers can experience anxiety. Zero to Three offers some
  advice for protecting and reassuring very young children.

  26. **Helping Children Deal with Scary News
  Words of advice from Mr. Rogers: help children feel secure, limit TV and listen.

  27. **Helping Children Cope with Trauma
  The American Counseling Association has compiled a list of ways parents
  and adults can help young children deal with trauma.

  28. **Talking with Children: Tips for Parents
  The National Association of School Psychologists offers tips for parents
  not only in English, but also in Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, Urdu and Vietnamese.

  29. **A Guide for Parents: Ten Tips for Talking with Children about Terrorism
  It's not always what you say, but how you say it that matters for young
  children. Here's help from the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and
  Conflict Management.

  30. **Helping Children Understand the Terrorist Attacks
  The U.S. Department of Education explains how adults can talk with
  children about the attacks, along with suggestions for educators and links
  to additional helpful resources.

  31. **What to Look For
  UCLA's School Mental Health Project identifies common responses that
  children often experience in the wake of overwhelming events: persistent
  fears about being separated from their families, sleep disturbances, loss
  of concentration and irritability, physical complaints, withdrawal and listlessness.

  32. **Trauma and the Attacks in the United States
  New York University's Child Study Center offers resources to help parents,
  teachers and mental health professionals explain war and terrorism to
  children, how to help them cope, and signs of trauma-related stress.

  33. **Reactions to Trauma: Suggestions for Teens
  The National Mental Health and Education Center has brief information for
  teens on normal reactions to trauma, and how they can help themselves.

  34. **Talking to Children about Violence
  What if teens don't want to talk, or if they are fascinated by these
  events? Educators for Social Responsibility may have answers for you and
  your family or classroom.

  35. **Finding the Right Words
  KidsHealth has information and helpful language for parents, teachers,
  kids and teens about the painful feelings they might expect to have.

  36. **Helping Children Cope with Disaster
  When no other words come to mind, a hug and saying, "This is really hard
  for us," will work, advises the National Mental Health and Education
  Center. This handout for parents describes common reactions by age group
  and ways to help children and teens, as adults struggle themselves to make
  sense and feel in control.

  37. **Strategies for Parents and Teachers
  Focusing on the themes of attachment and separation, North Carolina
  State's Cooperative Extension Services offers specific activities and
  ideas for families and classrooms, with some helpful advice for teens and
  high schools.> isas3.html

  38. **Children and Death
  Most of the time adults are reluctant to talk about death with children.
  These brochures from Hospice Net have helpful guidance for talking about
  death with children and teenagers.

  39. **Children and Grief
  When a family member dies, children react differently from adults. Adding
  to a child's shock and confusion at the death of a brother, sister or
  parent is the unavailability of other family members, who may be so shaken
  by grief that they are not able to cope with the normal responsibility of child care.

  40. **All Kids Grieve
  All kids experience loss. The key is to help them channel their grief into
  personal growth, not violence or destructive behavior.
  offers books, classroom strategies and information on how to start support
  groups for kids.

  41. **Discussing the News with 3- to 7-Year-Olds: What to Do?
  In times of great distress, young children need to hear that "your
  grownups at home and your grownups at school know how to take care of
  you." Here are specific classroom suggestions from the National
  Association for the Education of Young Children.

  42. **Memorials/Activities/Rituals Following Traumatic Events: Suggestions
  for Schools School memorials, ceremonies or memory activities following a
  traumatic experience serve an important function in the healing process for both
  students and staff. The National Association of School Psychologists offers guidance
  on planning such activities.

  43. **Talking to Public School Students about Disasters
  The DC Public Schools has an outline of what to expect, and how to react,
  when the news or events upset children.

  44. **Crisis Communications Guide and Toolkit
  This National Education Association toolkit offers approaches and
  activities for schools at the time of crisis, as well as in the aftermath
  - ways to return to a new "normal" and help in understanding how children
  and teens respond to trauma and stress.

  45. **Helping Children Handle Disaster-Related Anxiety
  The National Mental Health Association reminds us that each child responds
  differently to disasters, depending on his or her understanding and
  maturity. The National Mental Health Association (800?9f42) can
  provide you with information about your local mental health association or
  local American Red Cross chapter.

  46. **Finding Ways to Help Yourself
  It's hard to help children with their feelings when adults themselves are
  feeling stunned, confused or anxious. Arizona State University has some
  good advice for adults.

  47. **Coping with Terrorism
  The American Psychological Association explains common reactions and how
  adults can help themselves, and their children.

  48. **U.S. Government Responds to September 11 has information to help families identify benefits and find
  assistance, along with suggestions for those who want to help.

  49. **Finding Ways to Help Others
  Aid organizations like the Red Cross and Salvation Army are coordinating
  their efforts with government agencies to organize help for stricken
  communities. Check your local paper or TV for local information on
  donating blood or money. Here is a list of national organizations that can
  channel your donations to those who need it most.

  50. **What to Do about Prejudice?
  If you are hearing an increase in prejudiced anti-Arab comments, you can
  intervene. Here's advice from Educators for Social Responsibility.

  51. **Promoting Tolerance and Peace in Children: Tips for Parents and Schools
  While anger is a normal response felt by many, we must ensure that we do
  not compound an already great tragedy and react against innocent
  individuals with vengeance and intolerance, says the National Association
  of School Psychologists. Find key messages for adults to

HELP FOR THE NEW TEACHER Classroom management skills is the number one concern. Find practical advice, How-To's, Survival Kits, ice breakers, and online resources that integrate technology into the classroom.

children, and themselves.

  52. **When Hurt Leads to Hate
  As adults we need to be aware of and stand up to physical and emotional
  hate and empower our children to do the same. This article from the New
  York University Child Study Center has ideas for how parents can help
  children deal with this crisis without becoming prejudiced, stereotyping
  specific groups, or retaliating with acts of bias.

  53. **Reporting Harassment
  If you or your children have been subjected to harassment or attack, the
  Council on American Islamic Relations Web site has guidelines, a phone
  number and an online reporting form.

  54. **Help against Hatred
  Along with advice for parents on talking with children, the National PTA
  has posted information on talking with children about hatred and
  prejudice, in both English and Spanish.

  56. National Association of School Psychologists
  57. Coping with Tragedy website
  58. Helping Children Deal with Tragedies <mail to: at>

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Received on Thu 20 Mar 2003 06:28:17 PM CST