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Books Winning in Two Categories

From: Roxanne Feldman <fairrosa>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 08:59:31 -0500

And I have to also argue that in the case of the Farmer book -- it's really one of those "age-less" titles -- that I don't even think that it's for a YOUNGER YA limit -- I've been giving it to 5th, 6th graders, 8th graders, 10th graders, and teachers -- and they ALL absolutely adore the book.

Ender's Game and His Dark Materials and Assimov's Sci-fi and Tamora Pierce's fantasy titles fall into this category. (Hmmm... all sci-fi or fantasy... any realistic fiction title can be said to be so age-less?"

Sue McCleaf Nespeca wrote:
Received on Sat 15 Mar 2003 07:59:31 AM CST