CCBC-Net Archives

Peace be with you

From: childrenservices
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 14:36:20 -0800

My son's ages 19 and 21 when talking with their friends on the phone always end their conversations with "Peace". It's a cool way of saying goodbye these days, but now, following their example, I try to end e-mails to friends with the same.

It was my first thought too that I should be cautious about ordering too many war books for our children's room as it could have a reverse effect and draw too much attention to a subject kids are not developmentally ready for. Food for thought... however, your input makes great material for a good bibliography on the topic.

Peace be with you all, Tracy Pruyne Kittery, Maine
Received on Tue 18 Mar 2003 04:36:20 PM CST