CCBC-Net Archives

The Friends of the CCBC

From: Kathleen Horning <horning>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 14:50:44 -0600

I am sending this on behalf of Susan Herr-Hoyman, membership director for the Friends of the CCBC:

Do you enjoy reading, discussing, and sharing literature for youth? Join the Friends of the Cooperative Children's Book Center and support a unique resource library of children's and young adult literature!

The Friends sponsor programs to encourage awareness and interest in children's and young adult literature as well as provide funds for projects of the CCBC. As a Friend you can volunteer to assist with projects. You will receive newsletters with information of upcoming speakers, programs, and what's happening at the CCBC. A copy of the latest copy of CCBC Choices (an annotated bibliography of the best books of the year) and Charlotte Zolotow lecture are automatically sent to new and current members. A new benefit added this year is a complimentary subscription to Utilizing multimedia technologies, TeachingBooks provides online access to authoritative children's literature resources of authors, illustrators and teaching materials.

Join the Friends now and attend CCBC Choices Day on Saturday, March 8 to hear about the best books of 2003. A luncheon will be held at 11:30 a.m. followed by the annual meeting of the Friends at 12:15 p.m. at the University Club on the University of Wisconsin - Madison campus. The Friends' semi-annual book sale takes place on the same day.

For more information and to receive a membership form, visit the following address:

Susan Herr-Hoyman
Received on Mon 03 Mar 2003 02:50:44 PM CST