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war books

From: Regina Pauly <paulyr>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:32:21 -0600

I'd like to second notion. I feel that books about war are more appropriate for peacetime rather than in wartime when children's parents may be overseas fighting. I'm sure the children already feel anxious and powerless about the situation. Discussing another war, many books with graphic scenes about the horrors of war, is not a solution.
  A book that I read that came out during the gulf war simply asked children to discribe their feelings, and was more of a workbook. It asked children who could help them, what they mad them sad, angry, etc. I'm sorry that I can't think of the title at the moment. But at this time I think books that help children cope with war, rather than books that are set in war time, is what would be helpful.

Regina Pauly paulyr at Curriculum Librarian UW-Platteville

 Message----From: Amy Krahn To: ccbc-net at (Subscribers of ccbc-net) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 09:02:15 00 Subject: [ccbc-net] war books

Many thanks to Monica for voicing her concerns. As has been discussed on this and other list-servs, "bibliotherapy" is a risky business. With media coverage being what it is, why assume that children need to hear more about war? Instead, perhaps we should focus on finding ways to provide a diversion from the worries and fears and ever present war talk. Find some funny books and give these kids a break and a reason to laugh out loud!!

Received on Tue 18 Mar 2003 10:32:21 AM CST