CCBC-Net Archives

Reading Online Interview

From: Monica R. Edinger <edinger>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 07:02:54 -0500

I'm assuming that since it is now the first week of the month that we can post announcements such as this one:

My Alice in Wonderland project is featured in the March issue of Reading OnLine (, the International Reading Association's electronic journal. I was interviewed last fall by Nicole Strangman who has done a spectacular job illustrating the interview with video clips, images and links galore. Not only am I delighted at how well the unit is represented, but I think it is a pretty cool example of online journalism. You can see for yourselves at


Monica Edinger The Dalton School New York NY edinger at monicaedinger at
Received on Sat 01 Mar 2003 06:02:54 AM CST