CCBC-Net Archives

Hole in My Life

From: Kathleen Horning <horning>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 10:23:45 -0600

I agree with Ed that the Gantos memoir is more of a young adult book but, as with all the ALSC Awards, the Sibert looks at books for readers up through age 14, so there's quite a bit of overlap with young adult literature. Do you feel, Ed, that it's too mature even for 14 year old readers?

It seems that many of the Sibert winners and honors to date have been more at the upper age range of readers.


Kathleen T. Horning, Acting Director Cooperative Children's Book Center University of Wisconsin-School of Education 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706

horning at Voice: 608&3721 Fax: 608&2I33

I think Giblin's book certainly is deserving. What shocked me is Hole in My Life receiving an honor. If there was ever a book strictly for young adults, it is Gantos's memoir. How the committee could consider it notable children's nonfiction is beyond me. Hole in My Life deservingly received a Printz honor (it should have been the medal winner), but it is not by any definition a children's book.

Ed Sullivan
Received on Wed 26 Feb 2003 10:23:45 AM CST